Thursday, August 27, 2015

Place Value

We are working hard to learn place value with tens and ones! Next week, we will work on showing 2 digit numbers in different forms. 

Here are a few pictures from this week. We worked with place value blocks to represent different numbers. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

First Day!

We had fun with our people bingo game! 

We made super hero capes! 


We love reading and listening! Here are several books we enjoyed together this week. Next week, we will be reading several stories and analyzing story elements like setting, characters, plot, and problem/solution. We focused on the elements this week to get a sneak peak of next week. 

Parents, please use your child's skills card that will be coming home Monday. This will guide you as you ask them questions about what they are reading. 

Incredible First Week!

I loved every minute of our first week together! I hope that you did too! We began learning about story elements and did a review of first grade math. Please remember to practice sight words each night! Next week, I will be sending home reading comprehension help as well. 

Today we began writing! Writing is one of my favorite things to teach. I love watching my students grow as writers throughout the school year. Next week, we will be learning to create strong sentences and go on to write personal narratives about a childhood memory. I can't wait for next week and all the great learning we will do! 

Here are our precious members of room 202! 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Welcome Superheroes!

I loved meeting so many of you at Meet the Teacher yesterday! I am more excited than ever about this school year!!! I can't wait to be your teacher this year! We have so many exciting things planned for next week. I know that you will have a blast! Our theme this year is "Superheroes" and we will be talking about what it means for you to be a superhero yourself! Each one of you has a special superhero quality and I know it is going to SHINE this year! With hard work and a respectful attitude, we are going to accomplish so much together. I hope that you have a WONDERFUL weekend and are ready for our first day Monday! Parents, If you did not come to Meet the Teacher yesterday, please be sure I know how your child is getting home on Monday. I look forward to working with you this year to be sure that your child has a wonderful experience in second grade. Please let me know if you have any questions before Monday.
All of the staff here are CFG love our students!! Your teachers are READY!!!!!!