Monday, September 1, 2014

Growing Writers

One of my favorite parts about teaching 7 and 8 year olds is watching them grow into incredible writers. It always amazes me what they can do by the end of the year. We are starting to set up our Writer's Workshop. We will be focusing on the third CCSS writing standard dealing with personal narratives for the first 9 weeks. I am taking a writing class this year myself, so I'm excited to bring back what I'm learning and apply it in our classroom. Writing is one of those things that can be uncomfortable, sometimes even for us grown ups. I'm trying to teach our class this year that the ideas and stories we have for writing are already there in our minds! We just have to learn to pull them out. We all have great stories to tell! 

We had a great writing lesson this week on how to begin getting ideas for our writing. Mrs. Linkous came in to teach a lesson, and we had so much fun! I was so so SO impressed with everyone's writing! Mrs. Linkous read just the beginnings of Owl Moon and Whistle for Willie. She showed us how the authors began their stories, and we inferred where and how the author's could have gotten the ideas for these stories. Then we started writing some stories of our own! 

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