Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then with Fairytales

We are reading different versions of Cinderella this week and answering our "W" questions- Who, What, Where, When, Why & How. We do this with a poster that sets any fiction story up like this... Somebody is in the story (this is the WHO).. Who are the main characters and what do we know about them? The next section is wanted... What does the character want or need? But there is a problem.. What is the problem and what created it? So what are the characters trying to do to fix the problem? Then... How do they eventually solve the problem? (This is the solution or resolution to the story.)

You are welcome to use this attachment to help guide your child's understanding of fiction stories at home. The back of their skills card is also a fantastic resource. Do not always let your child idley read a book... Stories should be an interactive experience! Each book they read is an opportunity to learn and explore story elements and structure.. Make it count! The more they talk about the books they read, the better they will understand them. 

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