Monday, September 21, 2015

Tall Tales

Wow! How are we already more than half way through the first 9 weeks? Last week we began learning about tall tales, which is absolutely one of my favorite units to teach! Tall tales are so much fun and they are so rich in history. Your child has a list of elements, or characteristics, in the front pocket of their homework binder. Please look over this with them at night to support what we are learning in our classroom. I encourage you to take your child to the library and explore tall tales even further.

Along with tall tales, we are learning to sequence, which is just putting what happened in books in sequential order using our own words. Use you child's 100 BC card to practice having them retell stories they read. Writing them down is even better. This is another great way to support our learning in the classroom. 

Below you will see some of the titles we are reading. 

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